Lang English

July 22, 2018 - 4:00 AM

What does it mean when we say Preventive government?

What does it mean when we say Preventive government?

July 22, 2018 - 4:00 AM

If previously, the state responds to the citizen's appeal after applying to civilian government services, with the "myGov" portal the state sends a notification through SMS, e-mail, as well as in personal cabinet, about the services that are required to apply for citizens. This concept can also be called a transition from reactive services to proactive services.

The "myGov" portal is a system of e-services gathering citizens, government and business entities in a single platform based on a progressive state concept. Through the "myGov" portal citizens can get acquainted with the information provided by state agencies, apply electronically to the services, verify the accuracy of their information, and regulate the process of transmitting information to other entities.